Take the Pledge to Stand with Canada’s Fish and Seafood Community for the Future of Sustainable Seafood Development
OTTAWA, ON: Seafood is major jobs, low carbon, food security and sustainable Blue Economy opportunity for Canada. As the federal government continues consultations to develop its national Blue Economy Strategy, the fish and seafood industry is looking for Canadians who believe seafood is part of the future of economic growth for our country.
The Fisheries Council of Canada (FCC) and the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) are seeking support from Canadians who agree that seafood has a role to play in providing jobs, growing the national economy and revitalizing coastal and Indigenous communities. By gathering support though pledge signatures, FCC and CAIA will be able to demonstrate to the federal government how important it is to Canadians to restore our place as a global leader in sustainable seafood production.
“We are asking Canadians to stand with our national fish and seafood community as we call on the federal government to identify a federal departmental champion, develop a sustainable growth plan and develop an integrated program to advance the sector,” said Paul Lansbergen, President, FCC. “If you believe in sustainable seafood development, sign the pledge.”
“Canada has the longest coastline in the world and some of the most plentiful freshwater resources,” said Timothy Kennedy, President and CEO, CAIA. “We have the means to be a global leader in sustainable seafood production – all we’re missing is the proper support.”
Signing the pledge is as simple as visiting seafoodopportunity.ca/take-the-pledge and filling in your name and email. Signatures will be gathered as an aggregate to demonstrate support in FCC and CAIA’s ongoing advocacy to include their industry-developed vision and action plan, Canada’s Blue Economy 2040, into the federal Blue Economy Strategy.
The Fisheries Council of Canada (FCC) is the voice of Canada’s wild capture fish and seafood industry, promoting a healthy resource and prosperous industry playing a vital role in the Canadian economy. Our members include small, medium and larger-sized companies along with Indigenous enterprises that harvest and process fish from Canada’s three oceans.
Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) is the national association that speaks for Canada’s seafood farmers, representing their interests in Ottawa and internationally. CAIA members generate over $5.2 billion in economic activity, $2.1 billion in GDP, and employ over 21,300 Canadians delivering a healthy, growing and sustainable seafood farming sector in Canada.
For more information or to set up an interview please contact:
Kelly McCarthy
Manager, Communications
613-727-7450 ext. 2722
Sheri Beaulieu
Marketing & Communications Manager
Press Release_Take the Pledge to Stand with Canada’s Fish and Seafood Community